Hello & Welcome!

My name is Chase Covington. I'm a web developer located in Chicago, IL.

Passionate Architecture Love the beach Ambition Cat lover Art and Design Curiosity Driven Experimentation Love for learning Innovative
Determination Cooking South Carolina PC Hardware Momentum Workflow Nature Animal Crossing Figuring out "Why?" Photography Excited

What do I do?

I love web development & using test-driven RESTful design patterns.

HTML Turbo Responsive Design Postgres MVC Frameworks Javascript RSpec Rails SQL CSS
Tailwind Bash Git Push --Force Stimulus Ruby Data Validation Omniauth Kimurai Webpack Vue

Get to know me!

I enjoy sharing what I know, and talking about my experiences!

Self-Teaching Partnership Documentation Shared Experience Reflection Open-Source Collaberation Participation Self-Expression Community
Expertise Learning from Feedback Audience Learning From Mistakes Creative Outlet Journey Knowledge Technical Content Sharing Passions Guiding Others