Quick Info:
- My name is Chase Covington.
- My email is mchasecov@gmail.com
- My resume can be found here
- I am also on LinkedIn
- My favorite language is Ruby
- And my favorite gem for Ruby is turbo-rails.
But who am I?
My name is Chase Covington. I'm a web developer from South Carolina, now in Chicago, who loves the learning opportunities and problem-solving that software development provides!
I am a full stack developer whose range includes Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and various libraries related to those languages. Of those, Ruby on Rails is definitely my favorite, but half of the fun with Rails is seeing everything come together when your front end is connected and working together!
I've always been excited in figuring out how things work and using those tools myself. My first taste of coding was creating Minecraft mod .jar files when I was about 13 years old. While I have always had fun with it, I never considered it as a career, nor did I even think about it much.
I attended Clemson University from 2017 to 2019 in the Landscape Architecture program. During that time I was able to connect with a wide range of people, serve as a mentor by being a Resident Assistant, and thought more about myself and what I wanted to do. Although my Landscape Architecture projects and designs were strong, I realized that it wasn't what I wanted to do anymore.
As schools shifted to being remote during the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to also pursue web development online. I've learned through online resources, The Odin Project being the anchor that helped me stay structured, organized, and teach me the foundations I needed in order to begin my career.
I still love learning and spending my time with new concepts and languages, but I am also seeking work in a position where I can apply what I do know so far. If you like my projects and would want to connect more, send me an email or a message on LinkedIn!